the future of books is here
the future of books is here
the future of books is here

Author-Led, Tech-Assisted

Author-Led, Tech-Assisted



The warmth and guidance of a professional writer.
The speed and affordability of emerging tech.
The warmth and guidance of a professional writer.
The speed and affordability of emerging tech.
The warmth and guidance of a professional writer. The speed and affordability of AI.
publishers our writers have worked with
publishers our writers have worked with
publishers our writers have worked with
how it works
icon of a woman waving
icon of a woman waving

Collaborate with a Professional Writer

  • Strategic planning and content structuring

  • Personalized guidance throughout the process

  • Expert answers to all your writing questions

icon of papers with instructions
icon of papers with instructions
icon of papers with instructions

Tech-Enhanced Content Creation

  • Tailored writing in your unique voice

  • Cutting-edge technology

  • Flexible editing options - DIY or let us perfect it

icon of a package being received
icon of a package being received
icon of a package being received

Full-Service Publishing Support

  • Eye-catching cover design

  • Professional interior layout

  • Assistance with Amazon and other publishing platforms

OUR mission

We Built Co-Author to Empower Authors

We’re writers. We love books.

We’re not a software company born in Silicon Valley. Our mission is to make the creation of exceptional books more accessible to everyone, without compromising on quality or authenticity. Your creativity is enhanced, not replaced, by technology. We believe that technology, when used right, can make you a better writer by:No content scraped from outside sources. All content is from one-on-one interviews between you and your writer.

  • Enhancing your creative process

  • Streamlining your workflow

  • Providing access to knowledge

Our unique blend of human expertise and AI assistance doesn't just make writing easier and more affordable– it makes it better. By leveraging technology, we're able to amplify your unique voice and ideas, help you overcome writer's block, spark new inspirations, and refine your work with data-driven insights.

We’re writers. We love books.

We’re not a software company born in Silicon Valley. We're writers who believe in the power of books to change the world. To do that, they need to be good. This means:

  • No content scraped from outside sources. All content is from one-on-one interviews between you and your writer.

  • No overblown, silly AI writing styles. We prompt the AI to write in your voice. We are expert writers and experts on AI writing technology.

  • Human editing—either by you or by us. AI does the first draft, but that’s just a place to start.

Writer-led, AI-assisted book creation makes writing and publishing a great book affordable and accessible for everyone.

We’re writers. We love books.

We’re not a software company born in Silicon Valley. We're writers who believe in the power of books to change the world. To do that, they need to be good.

This means:

  • No content scraped from outside sources. All content is from one-on-one interviews between you and your writer.

  • No overblown, silly AI writing styles. We prompt the AI to write in your voice. We are expert writers and experts on AI writing technology.

  • Human editing—either by you or by us. AI does the first draft, but that’s just a place to start.

Writer-led, AI-assisted book creation makes writing and publishing a great book affordable and accessible for everyone.

OUR books
OUR books

Collaborate with a professional writer who has years of published writing expertise and a deep knowledge of AI writing platforms. High-quality writing at unparalleled speed and affordability.

our process
our process

Your story is worth telling. 
Our writers make it easy, affordable
—and fun.  

Your story is worth telling. 
Our writers make it 
easy—and fun.  

Your story is worth telling. Our writers make is easy—and fun.

Strategy Session

You and your writer meet to create an outline of your book. This is the foundation on which we'll build your manuscript. We discuss your audience, competition, and your goals for yourself and your reader.

You meet with your writer to create an outline of your life story, being sure to discuss the themes of your life and the purpose of your book.

You meet with your writer to create an outline of your 
life story, being sure to discuss the themes of your 
life and the purpose of your book.

Writer Sessions

Guided by the outline, your writer will interview you, diving deeper into your material to create original, captivating content. Our professional writers guide you through the process, providing feedback and structure to shape your book.

Guided by the outline, your writer interviews you, asking the questions that make your story come alive. 

Guided by the outline, your writer interviews you, asking the questions that make your story come alive. 

Writing & Editing

Using cutting-edge AI technology, we’ll transform your content into polished prose. You'll then have the opportunity to review and refine the content, ensuring it captures your unique voice and vision. Or, if you choose, our professional editors can edit for you, to ensure your book is coherent, engaging, and error-free.

Your writer inputs your conversations, prompting the AI to create your story in your voice. You can then edit the stories yourself, or we can edit them for you. 

Your writer inputs your conversations, 
prompting the AI to create your story in your voice. You can then edit the stories yourself, 
or we can edit them for you. 

Publishing Assistance

When your story is ready for the world, we can guide you through the publishing process. We'll help you navigate Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform and other marketplaces, ensuring your book reaches its audience.

When the content is set, you upload your photos and choose your cover. Once you approve the proof,  we print and send your book.  

When the content is set, you upload your 
photos and choose your cover. Once you 
approve the proof, we print and send your 

our pricing
our pricing

A plan for every budget.  

A plan for 
every budget.  

Your very own writer and AI-expert will guide you every step of the way through our proven process.
Co-Author means collaboration: you, your writer, and AI.




starting from $999




starting from $2499




starting from $4999

Included in all plans


Strategy Session With Your Writer

Strategy Session With Your Writer

Writer Sessions

Writer Sessions
Clinical Consults

AI-Assisted Writing; Editing by You or Your Writer

AI-Assisted Writing;
Editing by You or Your Writer

AI-Assisted Writing; Editing by You or Your Writer

Cover and Interior Design—
Bespoke or with Our Templates

Cover and Interior Design—
Bespoke or with Our Templates

Trial Strategy Session: Start with a trial meeting to plan your title, subtitle, 
and create your book outline. If you’re happy with our service and buy a basic, 
edited, or bespoke package, we deduct the cost of the trial  from your package.  

Trial Strategy Session: Start with a trial meeting to 
plan your title, subtitle, and create your book outline. If you’re happy with our service and buy a basic, 
edited, or bespoke memoir, we deduct the cost of 
the trial from your package.  

Trial Strategy Session: Start with a trial 
meeting to plan your title, subtitle, and create your book outline. If you’re happy with our 
service and buy a basic, edited, or bespoke 
memoir, we deduct the cost of the trial  
from your package.  

learn more

Book a free 15-minute 
writer consultation now.

Book a free 15-minute 
writer consultation now.

Book a free 
15minute writer 
consultation now.

frequently asked questions

Who are your writers and can I choose mine?

Who are your writers and can I choose mine?

Who are your writers and can I choose mine?

What kind of AI do you use?

What kind of AI do you use?

What kind of AI do you use?

How many pages/words are the books and can I choose the writing style?

How many pages/words are the books and can I choose the writing style?

How many pages/words are the books and can I choose the writing style?

How does the editing process work?

How does the editing process work?

How does the editing process work?

Can I put my photographs in the book?

Can I put my photographs in the book?

Can I put my photographs in the book?

Can I choose my book design and when will they be delivered?

Can I choose my book design and when will they be delivered?

Can I choose my book design and when will they be delivered?

How long does it take to create a book?

How long does it take to create a book?

How long does it take to create a book?